Soundmap of Silence

by Konstantin Schimanowski

His focus lies on outrospection as a method of understanding ones own identity as well as a form of communication with different aspects of enviroment.

For the workshops he used a device called monome.

His ambition is to create a digital soundmap of silence, a map consisting of mashed up sounds, recorded by the participants themselves during their workshop experience.


Interview about the “c.i.y.republic mobile artproject lab” with Katja Pál founder and director of D’CLINIC Studios and National Television Programm of Slovenia and Hungary


Interview about the “c.i.y.republic mobile artproject lab” with Slovenian radio station and Konstantin Schimanowski.



This is an assemblage of silkscreen self-portraits, showing some of the artists and participants involved in this project. They were created (under guidance) by the participants themselves during our transnational tour.

Concept and presentation by Tina Griffith

Travel log

bus On our journey, from Germany to Slovenia to Spain and back to Germany in spring 2013 we passed Austria, Italy, France and Switzlerland. We then conitued our tour to the UK in summer, passing a tiny bit of the Netherlands, Belgium and France.

On our way we did several activities, met new people and gathered impressions of the cities and landscapes we visited.

On the road

Silkscreen Mini Workshop

By pure chance and almost by the same time we had arrived, we met local artist Metthew Jiffey in Brighton, who was curious about our strange vehicle and starting to talk about Brightins vivd art scene. We shortly introduced him to our project and were more than happy when he showed his interest to take part as well as to set up a meeting with some other local artists for us.

He welcomed us to visit his studio and living space, where he played a traditional song for us on his fiddle and where we could have a look at his paintings and drawings. We became interested in his series of base colours, showing curved shapes, that seemed to communicate with one another (obviously in an abstract way). We then decided to improvise on a film scene, which would combine both his fiddle play and his art. Therefore we were setting up a mini silkscreen workshop for Metthew Jiffey.

The idea was to put his art into urban space and set up a performance.

London Impressions

Camden Town

Barcelona Impressions

Workshop Lendava 15.03. – 16.03.2013

Where: D’CLINIC Studios in Lendava

What: Silkscreen and “Soundmap of Silence” Workshop


“Soundmap of Silence” workshop by Konstantin Schimanowski

Silkscreen workshop & exhibition

D'CLINIC Studios

Interview about the “c.i.y.republic mobile artproject lab” with Slovenian radio station and Konstantin Schimanowski.


Interview about the “c.i.y.republic mobile artproject lab” with Katja Pál founder and director of D’CLINIC Studios and National Television Programm of Slovenia and Hungary



Artpoject Lab on Identity

Where:  D’CLINIC Studios

When: MARCH 2013: Wed. 13. – Fr. 15.03.2013 or Fr. 15.03.2013. – Sun. 17.03.2013

Idea: Exploring “identity” in the context of the EU

Concept: Participants learn from each other by contributing their creative mind to the project theme. The term “lab” or “laboratory” refers to an interdisciplinary and experimental approach.

Aim: Detecting local issues and creating a unique piece of artistic work as a group, leading into a performance recorded on digital film. The performance setting will be in urban space. The results will be documented and shown in a group exhibition alongside with book and online publications for all participants as artists/thinkers in their own right.

Method: Designing unique symbols/phrases /images using silkscreen printing that in combination with sound(/collage) and human voice demonstrate a personal or impersonal statement (or manifesto). The results of the workshop shall lead into a performance in urban space.

Participants: Young people (aged 16-30) that like to work creatively (i.e. art/ design/ fashion/ theatre/ dance/ architecture/ media technology/ music students) or who are interested in a wide field of arts with a background in social work, psychology or philosophy.

Number of Participants: 8-12


Olga Pepa

olgamobile artproject lab

born 1979

retired from delivery service in 2005

active as a mobile artproject plattfrom since 2012

Thanks to a number of coincidences and the help of oldtimer expert Robert, Olga Pepa was saved from being shipped overseas.


C.I.Y.REPUBLIC ist ein Ort der IMAGINATION und der SELBSTBESTIMMUNG und ein Ort der VIELFALT, an dem es möglich ist selbst zu bestimmen, wer man sein, wie man leben und an was man glauben möchte. Mit dieser Vorstellung, gründete Tina Griffith 2010 ihr Artlabel und schaffte damit eine Übungsplattform für prozesshafte Gestaltung in Form von Workshops, die sich hauptsächlich an Schulen, pädagogische Einrichtungen und Kulturevents richten.
Die Notwendigkeit, an den Grenzen der Vorstellungskraft und Kreativität zu rütteln, führte schließlich zu der Idee eines interdisziplinären projekt-basierten Laboratoriums.


Wir sind vier junge Künstler, die in Deutschland leben und aufgewachsen sind, und für dieses Projekt zusammen gefunden haben, um mittels verschiedener Medien das Konzept der Identität zu erforschen indem wir junge Menschen aus vier verschiedenen Ländern und Hintergründen zum Mitmachen bewegen.

anatol tina kony katharina

Projekt Zusammenfassung

Inspiriert von der Vision zu Reisen und zu Erforschen, verwandeln wir C.I.Y.REPUBLIC in ein mobiles künstlerisches Projekt Laboratorium, welches sich an junge Menschen zwischen 16-30 Jahren richtet und welches sich vor allem durch seinen Netzwerkcharakter, seine experimentelle Methodik, sowie seine interdisziplinäre Arbeitsweise auszeichnet und auf transnationaler Ebene in Deutschland, Slowenien, Großbritannien und Spanien agiert. Ziel des Projekts ist es Jugendliche durch interdisziplinäre Workshops und Aktionen im Bereich Kunst und Kultur, zum selbstbestimmten Handeln zu motivieren. Dabei gilt es vor allem in 2-3 tägigen Workshops herauszufinden, was den Einzelnen geprägt hat und welche Wünsche er oder sie in ein gemeinsames Europa legt. Mittels verschiedener Medien wie Fotografie und Film, gefundenen oder gebrauchten Materialien, Siebdruck und Musik/Klang, sollen Echtzeit Ausstellungen und live Performances generiert werden, die vor allem durch ihre Dichte und Diversität die Stimmung der jeweiligen Gruppe wiederspiegeln. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die kontinuierliche Entstehung eines Films und das bilden einer Gemeinschaftsarbeit in Form von einer eigenen Flagge des jeweiligen Landes gelegt. Außerdem werden die gesammelten Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse in einer Sammel-Austellung in München, sowie durch Publikationen als Buch und im Web festgehalten. Veranstaltet werden die Workshops in Zusammenarbeit mit den lokalen Partnern und Künstlern an ortsunabhängigen Plätzen, da das Projekt mobil ist.

C.I.Y.REPUBLIC mobile artproject lab is supported by the European Youth in Action Programme and the National Agency in Germany. The content of the project does not necessarily reflect the point of view of the European Union.



Silkscreen Workshop: Self-Portrait

Concept and supervision by Tina Griffith

These are images of a silkscreen workshop with children in 5th grade. They were asked to cut out a stencil for their portrait.

We were first taking a photo, which was then turned into high-contrast, so that the kids could trace their picture to a foil. Before they could start printing, they had to figure out which parts to remove from the foil.

Munich, February 2013

Petra Kamenšek

petra_slo copycrafting & upcycling

lives in Radovljica (Slovenia)

born 1983 in Kranj

Facebook Site 5ra.Recyled.

studied political science at Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Ljubljana)


Petra upcycles everything that she finds – gives used and forgotten material a new home – from found fabric, wood, paper, leafs and stones – even ideas she finds worth being upcycled.


Vse reciklirano – mamini ostanki blaga, rabljena, a zelo uporabna, oblačila, les, vrvice, žice, papir, kamenčki, listje – celo ideje.

Mobilni umetniški projektni laboratorij


Kje: D’CLINIC Studios – Glavna ul. 52, Lendava, SLOVENIA

Kdaj: MAREC 2013:  od petka,15.marca 2013. – nedelje, 17.marca 2013

Kaj: Raziskovanje concept identitete v okviru Evropske Skupnosti

Koncept: Udeleženci prispevajo svoje kreativne ideje na temo projekta in si jih medsebojno izmenjujejo. Izraz »laboratorij« se nanaša na interdisciplinarni in eksperimentalni pristop.

Cilj: Zaznavanje lokalnih vprašanj in oblikovanje unikatnega umetniškega dela v skupini, kar bo kot performans posneto na digitalni film. Dogajanje bo potekalo v urbanem prostoru. Rezultati bodo dokumentirani in predstavljeni na skupni razstavi, skupaj s knjigo in spletnimi publikacijami, dostopni pa bodo vsem sodelujočim, ki bodo umetniško in idejno sodelovali ter na svoj način prispevali h končnemu izdelku.

Način dela: Oblikovanje unikatnih simbolov/fraz/slik s pomočjo sitotiska, ki v kombinaciji z zvokom(/kolaž) in človeškim glasom predstavljajo osebno ali neosebno izjavo (ali manifest). Rezultati delavnice bodo osnova za performans v urbanem prostoru.

Udeleženci: Mladi med 16 in 30 letom, ki so dejavni na umetniškem področju (npr. umetnost/oblikovanje/moda/gledališče/ples/arhitektura/medijske tehnologije/glasba) ali ki se v širšem smislu zanimajo za umetnost in prihajajo s področja socialnega dela, psihologije in filozofije.

Število udeležencev: 8–12


Prevod iz angleščine Neža Budkovič

Proyecto artístico & Laboratorio creativo móvil


Cuándo: Marzo 2013

desde lunes 25. – hasta miércoles 27.03.2013 o del sábado 23. – al lunes 25.03.2013.

Tema:  Explorar el concepto de identidad dentro del contexto de la Unión Europea.

Concepto: El término “lab” o “laboratorio” hace referencia a la aproximación tanto interdisciplinar como experimental con la cual queremos abordar el proyecto. Se trata de que los participantes aprendan unos de otros a través del trabajo en equipo, contribuyendo con su mente creativa al tema del proyecto.

Intención: Detectar las diferencias, parecidos o características locales y crear de manera colectiva una única pieza artística, dando lugar a una performance que será grabada digitalmente. El setting de dicha performance será  dentro del espacio urbano y sus resultados serán documentados y mostrados en una exposición de grupo durante la realización del proyecto, mediante publicaciones online e impresas en un catálogo para todos los participantes, tanto artistas como pensadores en pleno derecho.

Método: Se trata de diseñar y crear frases, imágenes o símbolos únicos a través de la técnica serigráfica en combinación con sonido-collage y voz, con la finalidad de realizar una declaración o manifiesto. Los resultados del taller serán llevados, como ya hemos dicho a una performance en el espacio urbano.

Quién: Gente joven (edad comprendida entre los 16 y 30 años) que trabaje de forma creativa (ej: estudiantes de artes, diseño, moda, teatro, danza, imagen y sonido, arquitectura y/o música) o para quien pueda estar interesado en el mundo de las artes dentro del contexto de la psicología, filosofía o el trabajo social.

Nº Participantes: 8-12


translated  by Reyes Pérez-Pujazón Millan

Reyes Pérez-Pujazón Millan



lives in Barcelona

born 1984

studied fine arts

speaks Spanish & English





I think of my work as an intention to approach identity as something that is continually becoming. As a state that far from being definite is always open to change, or even to incorporate its most radical opposite. That´s why I can´t locate my work inside the limits of a specific discipline. If I had to define my work I would say that the notion of montage is probably  what lies beneath almost everything I´ve done. Meaning by montage a network where any association may take place as a result of the casual encounters of things that have been taken out of their original contexts and have found a new meaning when placed in an exterior reality.


Abuse and Domination

The Artproject made in 2012 by Reyes Pérez-Pujazón Millan is a  scenery where visitors are invited to put their faces through a hole.

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anatolwriter & filmmaker lives in Munich born 1985 in Germany studied philosophy is attending HFF film school in Munich for film directing. has a background in professional film production speaks German, French& English . Regarding the project his aim is to make a film that will evolve on the journey. He will be documenting the workshops on days 1 and 2 and will contribute in directing the performance on day 3.

At work


his work can be viewed on vimeo 

Konstantin Schimanowski

Konstantin Schimanowskiphilosophy  degree

background in theatre production

speaks German, Russian & English

part of the Band crime killing joker man


His focus lies on outrospection as a method of understanding ones own identity as well as a form of communication with different aspects of enviroment.

For his workshops he used a device called monome.

His ambition is to create a digital soundmap of silence, a map consisting of mashed up sounds, recorded b ythe participants themselves during their workshop experience.