
C.I.Y.REPUBLIC  mobile Artproject Lab was inspired by the vision to travel and explore. The  aim was to contribute to the idea of european networking by using experimental and interdisciplinary working methods; therby generating a unique way of approaching the universal theme of identity in individuals as well as in the context of the European Union.

The project was held on a transnational level involving different places in Germany, Slovenia, the UK and Spain and its main aim was to motivate young people, to become more aware of the importance of self-determination by giving them a voice as a caring member of society.

Special focus was held on the continuous growing of a film directed by Anatol Anderswo and the development of a group piece in form of a deconstructed flag guided by Tina Griffith, as well as the rearrangement of sitespecific soundrecordings made by Konstantin Schimanowsky.

C.I.Y.REPUBLIC mobile Artproject Lab is supported by the European Youth in Action Programme and the National Agency in Germany. The content of the project does not necessarily reflect the point of view of the European Union.



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